Fungi on the skin are the most common dermatological disease. But defeat on the legs is considered the most common. Mycosis of the feet and onychomycosis are often found in those who visit public places, especially hospitals, saunas, baths, swimming pools and gyms.
Each type of fungus has its own characteristics, signs and treatment methods that you need to know for those who are at risk of contracting a yeast infection.
What is athlete's foot?
Mycosis or ringworm is a dermatological disease caused by a fungal pathogen. Fungus of the skin of the legs is the most common type of this disease, because the skin on the legs is more sensitive, which, in addition, is constantly exposed to the external environment affected by fungi.
Risk factors
Athlete's foot is common in men who prefer fully enclosed shoes. Feet begin to sweat and a breeding ground develops. Therefore, most men who have served in the army know firsthand what skin fungus is. In children, fungal infections occur due to non-compliance with hygiene rules, walking barefoot on contaminated soil and non-compliance with sanitary standards in kindergartens.

Fungal infections of the feet are often found in women with hormonal disorders or reduced immunity during pregnancy. Infection can also occur during a pedicure through non-sterile instruments or towels.
There are common factors that cause the development of the disease:
- Wearing shoes made of synthetic materials that are too tight.
- Rarely washing feet, wearing dirty socks.
- Wearing other people's shoes, using other people's towels and other hygiene items.
- Diseases that disrupt blood circulation in the lower extremities.
- Disorders of the immune system.
- Non-observance of hygiene rules in public places.
- The presence of corns, wounds and cracks on the feet.
- Long-term treatment with antibiotics or corticosteroids.
The causes of fungi can also be in a person's emotional state. The medical field that studies the psychological state of a person and its influence on the development of physical diseases - psychosomatics - explains fungal infections by suppressing negative emotions that are kept inside.
Constant resentment, anger, feelings of betrayal or frustration can cause a fungus or prevent a person from fully recovering.
As a result of these conditions, human immunity decreases, pathogens present in the body are activated. People with a chronic yeast infection that does not go through drug treatment need to review their internal state or consult a psychologist.
According to many scientists who have studied the psychosomatic causes of fungi, if you do not work on your character and get rid of negative emotions, then the disease will return again and again.
There are a large number of pathogenic microorganisms that can cause lesions on human skin, but the following types of fungi are most often localized on the legs:
- Trichophyton rubrum, or Tripchophyton purpureum- cause rubromycosis, a disease that most often affects the skin of the feet and nails, but can also spread to other parts of the body.
- Trichophyton interdigitale, or Trichophyton mentagrophytes (Trichophytons)- cause epidermophytosis, which develops between the toes, but can also affect the entire area of the feet.
- Candida- candida rarely occurs on the feet, but it can also affect the interdigital space, nails and soles. It develops predominantly in women.

Mycosis is an infection, and infection can occur in two ways: directly - directly from an infected person to another person, and indirectly - through the floor, shoes, clothes and other household items with which the infected person came into contact. It is very easy to get infected with the fungus of the lower extremities - all it takes is a second contact with any surface or object touched by a person with a fungal infection.
The mechanism of the development of fungal diseases begins from the moment the spores enter the human skin. If the conditions are favorable, then development, growth and reproduction begin.
Microorganisms begin to secrete enzymes that destroy keratin proteins, and thus the stratum corneum of the skin. Therefore, people experience itching and discomfort. The infection spreads very quickly, the fungi penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and infect the surrounding tissues.
If you do not start treatment, they very quickly affect large areas of the skin.
But not always the infection develops immediately after the infection, sometimes the fungus remains on the skin or shoes for a long time. But as soon as the body's defense power decreases, or a favorable warm and humid environment develops, fungi begin to develop rapidly.
General symptoms
Ringworm of the lower extremities is a very common infection that requires immediate treatment. But not everyone immediately turns to a specialist for help, because they do not pay attention to the primary symptoms or believe that these are signs of other dermatological diseases.
Common signs of a skin infection are:
- Redness and peeling of certain areas.
- Appearance of blisters or cracks.
- Itching and burning sensation.
- Dryness and roughness of the skin.
But depending on the localization and the pathogen, the disease occurs with different clinical manifestations. Heel fungus starts with reddening of the skin and a burning sensation. Over time, blisters appear which, bursting, form very painful sores.
Then cracks and growths with peeling are formed. With a long course of the disease, an unpleasant odor begins to emerge from the affected area, and the infection spreads to other areas of the feet and nails.
Fungi on the knees are rare, but if cracks appear on or under the knees that do not go away for a long time, it is necessary to visit a doctor. Usually, the fungus in this area begins imperceptibly - it starts with redness, then the peeling of the skin intensifies, very rarely bubbles form on the surface of the spot, which eventually become covered with scabs.
Nail damage - onychomycosis - begins with an infection of the skin of the feet. In this case, itching and cracks in the skin may appear, but sometimes the fungus does not touch the skin, affecting only the nail plate.
- Normotrophic- at this stage, only the color of the nail begins to change - it becomes yellow, sometimes with a brown tint.
- Hypertrophic- the healthy shine of the nail disappears, it becomes irregular in shape, thickens and begins to partially collapse. A person may feel pain while wearing tight shoes.
- Onycholithic- the diseased nail is a plate with crumbling layers, it becomes thinner, takes on a brown color. At this stage, separation from the nail bed begins.
Manifestations of different types of pathology
Candidiasis of the legs affects only the soft areas of the skin and nails, without affecting the feet, and can be of two types:
- vesicular-pustular- in the first stage there is redness of the skin with pronounced edema. In the future, the affected area is covered with bubbles filled with liquid or purulent mass, during which they burst, creating erosion. Gradually, the inflammatory process decreases, and peeling increases in the foci.
- Hyperkeratosis- is rare, characterized by thickening of the stratum corneum with the formation of scaly burgundy furrows.
In most cases, the fungus between the fingers is epidermotrophy. Skin changes in this pathology can havefollowing forms:
- squamous- between the third and fourth toes, the skin starts to redden and sometimes itch. Very often this stage is neglected.
- Intertriginous- develops from the first stage. Edema develops, fissures form, and the lesion spreads to neighboring areas. Growths form around the affected area, making it difficult to wear shoes.
- Acute- large clusters of bubbles filled with liquid are formed. Wounds and cracks start to hurt, the general state of health worsens, the temperature may rise.
When the condition is neglected, the interdigital pathology affects the nails and the entire area of the sole, that is, foot epidermotrophy develops. External symptoms are similar to weeping eczema, which makes diagnosis difficult.
Rubromycosis of the foot is a simultaneous lesion of the interdigital folds. The skin becomes dry, red, severe peeling begins. If the treatment is not started on time, then the process moves to the sole, lateral part of the foot and the surface of the toes.
Rubromycosis can also affect other parts of the legs: lower legs, thighs, buttocks, as well as any part of the body and head. The lesions are pink spots covered with scaly skin, vesicles or crusts. They quickly grow in size, merging with each other. Rubromycosis of smooth skin usually proceeds in an acute form and is accompanied by severe itching.
"I got cracks on my foot, but I didn't pay attention. The fungus was discovered during a medical examination at work. The doctor immediately prescribed ointment and pills, and scolded her for not applying ointment right away. "
Specifics of traditional treatment
Treatment of foot fungus is based on the application of external antifungal agents to the lesions. There are many medicines in the form of ointments, creams, sprays, solutions. Their action is aimed at suppressing the vital activity and reproduction of fungi, as well as at slowing down the process of their spread.
Recently, various antifungal sprays have appeared, which are very convenient to use for external use in the treatment of skin and nail fungus.
During the therapy, you can treat shoes and clothes so as not to cause re-infection. Disinfection sprays are suitable for this. The treatment can also be carried out with antiseptics.
You can use antifungal agents in the form of solutions.
Before applying the ointment, you can use an ordinary alcohol solution of salicylic acid. It has an active effect on fungi, at the same time it relieves inflammation and dries the weepy parts of the skin.
In case of nail damage, it is recommended to use special antifungal varnishes.
There are many different external remedies and they can all be bought from a pharmacy without a prescription. But for the treatment to be effective, you need to know how to properly use external means:
- Follow the instructions for the frequency of application of the medicine.
- Hard areas must be evaporated before applying an external agent.
- For large dry growths, you can make a bath with soda.
- Treat only the affected areas, without affecting healthy skin.
- After the treatment, wash your hands well, without touching other parts of the body, so as not to spread the infection.
In advanced cases, you need to take anti-fungal tablets at the same time as using external means.You can not take pills inside without a doctor's recommendation - only a specialist can prescribe drugs based on the type of pathogen and the severity of the course of the disease.
Treatment of fungal lesions on the legs in the early stages will not take much time, provided that the drugs are used correctly and the instructions are followed. In severe cases, long-term treatment may be required, up to 3-6 months. If the prescribed drugs do not give the desired effect, then you should contact a specialist and get new recommendations.
"My husband's lower extremities were treated with different ointments, I tried 8 different things, but only tablets from the group of triazole derivatives helped. Well, he continued to apply allylamine cream on the outside.
Folk methods of treatment
Unconventional methods are often used to treat nail and toenail fungus.But patients should remember that such drugs are effective in the initial stage of the fungus, and in severe cases they cannot always help, but, on the contrary, worsen the course of the disease.
Before you get rid of foot fungus with folk remedies, you must visit a doctor to make an accurate diagnosis, as the symptoms may indicate various dermatological diseases.

Herbs from the mushroom are used to prepare baths, rubs and lotions:
- Pour a handful of calendula flowers with 50 ml of alcohol and 100 ml of water and leave for one day in a dark place. Use for rubbing twice a day. Best for nail infections and skin candidiasis.
- Mix dry mint leaves and fine salt in equal proportions. Apply to the affected areas for a day, secure with a bandage. After the time is up, remove the bandage, wash your feet, dry and repeat. Use only on nails and keratinized skin.
- Pour five tablespoons of dry celandine with 100 ml of vodka, leave for two weeks. Use to wipe, trying to avoid contact with healthy skin.
- Boil two spoons of thyme in a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour and use for lotions.
You can use tar soap from fungi:
- Grate a piece of soap, add a little water and dissolve in a water bath, add a tablespoon of tar and 2 tablespoons of any oil. Mix well and pour into molds to make medicated soap. Use to wash your feet.
- Mix a tablespoon of ground soap with 2 teaspoons of baking soda and add a little water to make a thick mixture. Apply at night on clean feet and apply a bandage on top.
- In the initial course of the disease, it is enough to apply laundry soap to the affected areas of the skin and leave it for 15-30 minutes.
Effective garlic against fungi:
- Apply crushed garlic to the steamed parts and secure with a bandage. Keep it all night.
- Within 3 days, insist on a mixture of garlic juice, water and vodka, taken in equal proportions. Rub 1-2 times a day on the affected areas.
- Pour 2 finely chopped garlic cloves into a glass of vinegar. Infuse in a dark place for 2 weeks in a container with a closed lid. It is used for rubs and lotions.
Vinegar can be used for rubbing or bathing. To prepare the bath, it is necessary to take 100 ml of 9% table or apple vinegar per 1 liter of water. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes, after which it is necessary to remove the softened skin and put on clean socks.
"At work, I walk for days in shoes, my feet sweat all the time, and foot fungus often appears, I immediately start making baths with vinegar and treat all my shoes with it. It goes away very quickly. "
Consequences and predictions
Many believe that the fungus is not harmful, except for aesthetic discomfort. But yeast infections carry other threats as well. First of all, there is a danger that the fungus will spread to other areas of the skin.
From the feet, the infection spreads to the skin of the hands, face, body, and scalp. This happens if you do not wash your hands after touching the affected areas of the skin or if the patient's immunity is greatly reduced. An infected person can infect family members if sanitary rules are not followed.
With deep lesions, it becomes impossible to wear normal shoes, severe pain occurs when walking, and when the nails are damaged, the nail rises. There is a risk of inflammation of nerve endings.
Skin lesions, if not treated, provoke the addition of viral and bacterial infections. The following complications often occur:
- Nipples.
- Phlegmon.
- Pyoderma.
- Erysipelas.
- Malignant fungal mycosis.
Fungus of the skin on the legs with a long course worsens the work of the immune system, patients become more sensitive to allergic manifestations, urticaria, bronchial asthma, conjunctivitis and rhinitis. Mycoses are often accompanied by atopic dermatitis and eczema. The general condition worsens, weakness appears, the body temperature may occasionally rise.
Ongoing fungal infections can cause damage to internal organs.
In addition to physical complications, fungal infections lead to psycho-emotional instability. Infected persons become irritable, short-tempered and often attack others. The instability of the nervous system slows recovery, so patients may need psychological support.
Fungus on the toes is very easy to cure if you start therapy at the first manifestations of the disease. With the daily use of therapeutic agents, fungi can be eliminated in 10-14 days. But with an advanced infection, the treatment will be longer and more difficult and will not pass without the use of systemic drugs. Therefore, doctors recommend not to delay a visit to the clinic.