Fungi are microorganisms that parasitize the skin of the feet and cause dermatological problems. What does the disease look like, what is the danger and how to get rid of it quickly?
15 January 2024
Types of fungal foot pathologies and methods of their therapy. How to recognize a lesion and its symptoms. Preparations and folk remedies for the treatment of foot skin fungus.
3 November 2022
What are foot fungus and what do they look like? Types and symptoms of skin fungus on the legs. List of the most effective medical and folk remedies for the treatment of fungi, prevention of infection.
30 October 2022
Toenail fungus manifests itself as changes in the nails, pain, itching, burning, nail loss. There are 4 stages of disease development, each of them is described below.
8 October 2022
Description of folk remedies for the treatment of fungus on the feet. Celandine, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, tea tree oil, propolis, blue vitriol, coffee, apricot gum, kombucha, garlic, iodine, birch tar and soda.
27 March 2022
Fungus on the feet is easy to get, but it is not easy to get rid of. We present you a piggy bank of folk recipes that will help you beat the disease.
21 December 2021